Founded in 2004, Wellspring is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit, faith-based organization providing food, clothing, and other life essentials to Greenbrier County's disadvantaged, unhoused, and/or transient populations. Our day haven, located in Rupert, WV, provides a respite for our community. Showers, laundry, WIFI, TV, and light refreshments operate on a first come first serve basis at no cost. We also facilitate various programs throughout the year, all focused on instilling hope and meeting the practical needs of our community.

Our History

In 2004, Fred and Scarlett Kellerman founded the organization out of the back of their car and straight out of retirement. After seeing so many unhoused and disadvantaged individuals overlooked in Greenbrier County, the Kellermans felt called to lend a hand. Through the support of the faith community and private/organizational donations, the Kellermans grew the organization over the next couple of decades and have touched the lives of many in the community. During the years Wellspring has operated under their leadership, the organization has provided various services to the area and has influenced others to invest time, talent, and money into the places of Greenbrier County that truly need it.

Day Haven

Providing a comfortable and inviting space to those who are in need, Wellspring’s Day Haven operates four days per week, Monday through Thursday 10 am-4 pm. At the center, we provide free hygiene products, hot coffee, hot showers, laundry service, free WIFI and TV, and ways to apply for our many programs. Most importantly - we at Wellspring are centered on instilling hope into a county riddled with addiction and poverty. During the off hours, we host addiction support meetings, educational and nutritional classes, and live music events all to breathe hope, love, and art into a community overlooked. If you are interested in hosting an event or volunteering your time at our center, please contact us. 


Constructed in 2021, our greenhouse sits behind the day haven center and provides fresh fruit and vegetables to the community via our twice-per-month food pantry. Our volunteers work hard to keep the greenhouse functioning, and it is one of the few opportunities some individuals in the area have for fresh produce.

Our Vision

To create a non-judgmental environment where disadvantaged people who live on "the edge" might receive assistance through emotional, monetary, and/or physical support to improve their circumstances.

Our Target

Those personas who find themselves among the working poor, homeless and/or transients within the boundaries of Greenbrier County

Our Goal

To raise awareness of all citizens to the plight of those in need, and to enlist support for assistance through the generous giving of time, talent and money. 

Our Inspiration

"For I was hungry, and you gave me food, I was thirsty, and you gave me drink... truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these.... you did it to me. Matt. 25:35-40

Help us help those in need

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